“Imagine 2024 as the turning point in the history of healthcare. As a healthcare professional, you make an impact by adopting the basic values of the modern healthcare provider, formulated as a contemporary version of the Hippocratic Oath: “I promise that my patients can entrust me with their health. To this end, I will leverage the available technology and render healthcare information valuable. I will also treat this healthcare information confidentially and make it available to both patients and knowledge networks of colleagues.”
Gabriëlle Speijer MD
HIMMS Future50 International HealthIT leader
The movement towards a new structure of our healthcare system is up to speed now.
Because of the core values of our profession it’s essential to support this process. I.e. no judgment nor selection, full confidentiality and to hold space for what the others best outcome would be. As technology is only following, the human aspect is leading.
I work as a radiation oncologist at Haga Hospital. I am also involved in various initiatives that are aligned with my mission of improving quality of care through the use of digital technology.
Do you want to use technology more effectively in healthcare?